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Determination of Other Dimensions from the Chest Circumference.


Determination of Other Dimensions from the Chest Circumference  Karthik, T.; Ganesan, P.; Gopalakrishnan, D.. Apparel Manufacturing Technology (Page 38). CRC Press. Kindle Edition.

2.2 Patterns

A basic or foundation pattern can be created by any of the two methods, namely, by drafting or by draping fabric on a model. Pattern drafting is defined as a technique or method of drawing patterns on brown paper with accuracy and precision, based on the body measurements or standard measurement chart. This is an efficient and economical method and can be manipulated to create the pattern for different styles by a technique known as flat pattern designing (Aldrich 2002, 2004).


Sample Measurements for Boys’ Garments

Sample Measurements for Boys’ Garments


Sample Measurements for Children’s Garments

Sample Measurements for Children’s Garments